Breast Augmentation

Breast Lift/Reduction
Two weeks prior to surgery
● Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve or medicines that thin your blood.
● Tylenol is allowed.
● Stop herbal medications.
● Do not drink alcohol, especially red wine.
● Do not tan.
● Please arrange transportation, you may not drive yourself.
● Please arrange to have someone stay with you for the first 24 hrs at home.
● Pick up prescriptions for antibiotics and pain medications given at your pre-op exam.

Night Before Surgery
● Use antibacterial soap - Dial or Hibiclens the night before AND morning of surgery
● Shower with particular attention to belly button, breast and underarm areas.
● Shave if this is part of your hygiene routine.
● Do not use moisturizing soaps or hair conditioner. Oils will run onto your body and trap bacteria. 
● Do not apply lotion, oil, perfumes, deodorant.
● IF GOING UNDER ANESTHESIA - Do not eat or drink after midnight.
● IF HAVING AWAKE SURGERY - Eat a hearty breakfast including solid food and carbs

Morning of Surgery
● Use surgical soap provided by Dr. Gruber. Shower with particular attention to belly button, breast and underarm areas.
● Do not use moisturizing soaps or hair conditioner. 
● Do not apply lotion, oil, perfumes, deodorant.
● Wear loose fitting clothes.
● Do not wear makeup, jewelry or contact lenses.
IF GOING UNDER ANESTHESIA - Do not eat or drink
IF HAVING AWAKE SURGERY - Eat a hearty breakfast including solid food and carbs

● You may have drains. The nurse will teach you drain care before you leave the clinic.
● Anesthesia may make you nauseated, so keep your diet light.
● You will have bruising and swelling for several weeks. It may take 2-3 months before your breasts reach their final shape and position.
● Ask Dr. Gruber prior to starting any physical activity for 4 weeks after surgery
● Do not use your arms for pulling, lifting or overhead movements. Keep elbows at your side.
● Keep bra on 2 weeks, except for showering. You can remove it to sponge bathe or carefully shower but you must keep the bandages DRY. 
● NO ICE or heating pads to surgery site. 
● No tub soaks, saunas or swimming until ok by Dr. Gruber
● All incisions will be extremely sensitive to sunlight.  Do not tan.
● Please take all medication carefully and as directed
● Do not drive while taking pain medications as they may make you drowsy.
Office Visits
● Dr Gruber will examine the average patient at 1 week, 3 weeks and 3 months post surgery
● Photographs will be taken
Call the office immediately if you have:
● Fever above 101 degrees
● Redness or increased pain at the surgical site
● Severe pain uncontrolled by pain medications.
● Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea after taking your medications
● Rash, sore/swollen tongue, blisters in mouth.
● Sudden onset of chest pain, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath