Facial Procedure

Revision Facelift

Elevate Your Appearance with a Revision Facelift Surgery

Life doesn’t give us many opportunities for a "do-over," but if your previous facial procedures left you unsatisfied, a revision facelift may be the solution. At Gruber Plastic Surgery in Tampa FL, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Meegan Gruber offers revision facelifts to restore harmony and balance to your facial features. Whether you need to correct issues from a previous cosmetic facial surgery or want to maintain a youthful appearance, Dr. Gruber’s expertise can help you achieve your aesthetic goals with an Awake Facelift Revision or under general anesthesia.

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The Benefits of a
Revision Facelift
Enhanced Facial Contour:

A revision facelift addresses multiple areas of the patient’s face and neck, including the jowls and neck laxity, providing a more youthful look.

Improved Comfort:

By correcting issues from a previous facelift, a revision facelift can enhance overall facial harmony and comfort.

Boosted Confidence

Correcting unsatisfactory results from a previous facelift can significantly enhance self-esteem and overall satisfaction with your appearance.

Long-lasting Results

The results of a facelift are long-lasting, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle and skincare regimen.

Dual Benefits

This procedure not only rejuvenates the face but also improves overall facial harmony by addressing multiple areas and correcting previous issues.

Enhancing Your Natural Form

Facial revision surgery, also known as revision facelift, is designed to correct issues from a primary facelift or other facial procedures. Dr. Meegan Gruber, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, specializes in secondary facelifts to address excess skin, skin laxity, and significant scar tissue, enhancing your natural form and achieving an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Many patients may experience jowl laxity, neck laxity, or pixie ear deformity after a primary facelift, which can be effectively corrected with advanced revision techniques. Dr. Gruber customizes each surgical plan to the patient's specific needs, ensuring minimal signs of surgery and natural-looking results. This procedure can also be combined with treatments like eyelid surgery, Botox, or fillers for comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Dr. Gruber’s expertise in revision surgeries, including revision rhinoplasty, ensures personalized care and optimal outcomes. To learn more about facial revision surgery and achieve your aesthetic goals, schedule a consultation with Dr. Gruber today.

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Why Gruber Plastic Surgery?

Facial plastic surgery, including revision facelifts, is typically performed as an outpatient procedure at our surgery center. Preparation involves a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Gruber to discuss your goals, review before and after photos, and create a customized treatment plan. Various facelift techniques are available to rejuvenate the face and neck by tightening the skin and underlying tissues. Dr. Gruber also offers advanced techniques to ensure personalized results. The procedure includes making small incisions to remove excess skin and contour the face. Recovery typically takes about two weeks, with swelling and bruising subsiding within a few weeks. Complications, though rare, can include infection, scarring, and asymmetry. Choosing an experienced facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Gruber minimizes these risks. For more information on revision facelift surgery and to see if you are a good candidate, please contact Gruber Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation. Our services address concerns such as jowls, neck laxity, and issues from poorly performed facelifts, providing a youthful appearance and refined contour. Learn more about revision facelifts, recovery time, and what to expect from the surgery. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends a thorough consultation to understand the procedure and recovery process, ensuring you achieve the desired appearance.

Frequent questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team of credible staff can give you the support you need.

What is a revision facelift?

A revision facelift, or secondary facelift, is a procedure to correct issues from a previous facelift. It involves repositioning the fat, muscle, and skin to create a more natural and youthful appearance.

How is a revision facelift performed?

Dr. Gruber makes small incisions to reposition the fat, muscle, and skin, correcting issues from the previous surgery. Techniques such as fat transfer or eyelid lifts may be used to enhance the results.

Can I have an Awake Facial Surgery:

Yes, Dr. Meegan Gruber can perform an awake revision facelift using local anesthesia with sedation, allowing you to remain awake but comfortable during the procedure.

What is the recovery time for a revision facelift?

What is the recovery time for a revision facelift?

Is a revision facelift right for me?

A revision facelift may be ideal if you are unsatisfied with the results of a previous facelift. A consultation with Dr. Gruber will help determine if you are a good candidate and the best approach for your needs.

Can a revision facelift be combined with other procedures?

Yes, a revision facelift can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a neck lift or eyelid surgery for comprehensive results.